1970 Foundation of the cold-rolling mill Reinhold Mendritzki Kaltwalzwerk GmbH & Co. KG, Plettenberg
1991 Foundation of the cutting tool company MWS Schneidwerkzeuge GmbH & Co. KG, Schmalkalden
1991 Production starts in the cold-rolling mill II, Plettenberg
1992 Corporate takeover of the forming technology company Meteor Umformtechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Zella-Mehlis
1992 Foundation of the industrial park Reinhold Mendritzki Gewerbepark GmbH & Co. KG, Schmalkalden
2000 Purchase of the cold-rolling mill III, Bochum-Stahlhausen
2012 Corporate takeover of the precision cutting company finova Feinschneidtechnik GmbH, Remscheid
2014 Company founder Reinhold Mendritzki dies in May. The formation of the foundation Reinhold Mendritzki Stiftung, Plettenberg, follows.
2015 Development of the Mendritzki Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Plettenberg
2018 Expansion of the Partule Holding SAS, Frankreich (Paturle Aciers SA, France and Paturle Special Steel Ltd, China)